One thing that has irritated me for a long time is the inability to run rspec tests in Cygwin without having to maintain dual environments. Keeping 2 parallel environments one for Windows and one for "Cygwin on Windows" is an exercise in futility. But finally I decided to "hack" it, not that i's really an hack.
Use => ruby "c:\Ruby191\bin\spec" item_spec.rb
Replace C:\Ruby191 with your ruby installation directory and ofc item_spec.rb with your spec file of choice.
For an even more easy way, put it as an alias in your .bash_profile, e.g.
alias rsp="ruby 'c:\Ruby191\bin\spec'"
Then you can use => rsp item_spec.rb
More detailed explanation:
in the bin directory there is an spec.bat, the mixture of Ruby for Windows and Cygwin has a problem with paths. So by running the command in the spec.bat file we circumvent that problem and voila everything works.
Addition: Regarding my environment. Due to restrictions with selenium grid and local factors I am using ruby 1.87 and 1.9.1, with rspec 1.2.8 and latest selenium-client (as of 2010-11).